About Us

Zen Style
If you’re looking to create a rich take on pared down interior design in your home, Zen style might just be the right direction for you as an Asian zen interior is minimal yet uniquely layered.Think of a minimalist space furnished with organic materials and filled with natural light. Imagine a space which is light and airy with no clutter filling surfaces and boasting a feeling of openness for the ultimate oasis. An Asian Zen interior such as this should be visually balanced, with plenty of floor space promoting calm and peace.

was born in an old wooden structure house which has more than 200 years history. He thoroughly influenced by his father who is a traditional carpenter, the passion with woodworking art is deeply in his blood. He travels around Japan and deeply fascinated with the traditional Oriental culture and zen. At the age of 30, he relocated to Australia and get the QBCC Builders' license. He devoted himself to making the traditional art works combine with modern technology.

Sakya Zen Styling
is established in 2011, specializes in traditional Japanese style interior renovation. Our services operate in the Greater Brisbane , Sunshine and Gold Coast regions. We offer a complete Japanese transformation, including ceilings, walls, shoji screens, fusuma doors, tatami mats and shelving. Our creative and highly skilled craftsmen can create a brand new oriental space based on the customer's wishes.